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For the sake of the Olympics, this Container Hotel Built in 48 Hours

London – Big event sporting event worldwide, the 2012 Olympic Games, which took place in London, England, resulting in increased demand for hotel accommodations such as sharp. This opportunity is not wasted. The Snoozebox Container Hotel was built with a super fast.

The Snoozebox Container Hotel is a hotel that relies on the room the room of the container. Citing page Inhabitat, this container hotel can easily be standing anywhere and made according to customer demand.

In one building, this hotel could well be container reaches 40 to 400 rooms. Uniquely, this hotel is quite rapid development, which is about 48 hours or 2 days. Once built, the land was granted, could become a tourist destination.

However, although the container walls, this hotel is not made in vain. The atmosphere in which it brings comfort to hundreds of hotel-style guest. The Snoozebox Container Hotel in the Hainault Forest Country Park is a safe and convenient location to enjoy the Olympics until mid-August.

Guest rooms at Snoozebox made as comfortable as possible, the Like at home. In a room alone could contain two to four guests. In fact, can add an extra bed or cot can choose the form of bunk bed or bunk.

Hotel rooms are also equipped with storage and bathroom fixtures. There is also wifi service, flat screen television, and the outlet for electronic items in the room. In each container equipped bathroom also contains a toilet and shower to bath.

Not only the rooms, guests enjoy the hotel also secured yard, balcony on the upper level rooms, and meeting rooms, as well as restaurants and bars to complement the needs of the guests. Apparently, such a portable hotel is perfect for a festival or big event, even in disaster situations. Because, this hotel could be built relatively short time without discouraging the comfort and convenience of guests.