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Increase the piety with Feng Shui

Many think that the science of feng shui is only used for the pursuit of wealth and earthly life. Though the science of feng shui can also be used to improve our spiritual lives. There are certain sectors in our house that if used properly, will make up the spiritual life, we would like to become more religious and studying religion properly.

My recent experience shows, a growing number of clients requesting service is provided space in his house. Muslim clients who request provided a small mosque, while other religions are also requested a prayer room set up.

To accommodate this request, I implemented two methods of feng shui: the first eight methods of mansions are more attentive to the human pattern and method of flying star is more concerned with building patterns.

In the eight methods of mansions, which became the benchmark is the head of the family. So, good worship space is located in the sector of households Tian Yi, Yi Tian sector will give effect to all residents to become more religious. It also gives the effect of a healthier and more support from friends, the environment, as well as superiors.

For Muslims, the position of worship space would be arranged in such a way as to get a comfortable room and interior are both in the direction of Qibla.

Methods Eight Mansions
According to Eight Mansions method, to obtain figures for men trigram, total the last two digits of year of birth, and then use the number 10 to reduce the sum.

Example: Born in 1985
8 + 5 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Then, use the number 10 to reduce the number 4, then the end result is the number 6. That is, the trigram is number 6.

For women also use the last two digits of year of birth, but the results are coupled with the number 5.

Example: Born in 1987
8 + 7 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
Use the number 5 (formula) to add the item 6 above, so the result is 11. Both numbers are added up again to get a final result digit, ie 1 + 1, so the trigram is number 2.

Each number trigram has its own religious sector:

Trigram figure 1, which gives the effect of religious space in the eastern sector.
Trigram figure 2, which gives the effect of religious space in the western sector.
Trigram figure 3, which gives the effect of religious space in the northern sector.
Trigram figure 4, which gives the effect of religious space in the southern sector.
Trigram figure 5, which gives the effect of religious space in the western sector (male) or northwest (women).
Trigram number 6, which gives the effect of religious space in the northeast sector.
Trigram number 7, which gives the effect of religious space in the southwest sector.
Trigram number 8, which gives the effect of religious space in the northwest sector.
Trigram number 9, which gives the effect of religious space in the southeast sector.

Flying Star method
After obtaining the appropriate position eight mansions method, then we need to watch the flying star method which is based on the direction toward the building. In this method, the placement of worship space should have the composition of qi (chi) is good, as the composition of 8.8: 1.6 or 6.1. And vice versa, we need to avoid the room with the composition of the bad qi such as 2.5 or 5.2.

2.5 or 5.2 for this position, to note the direction toward the house:

The house overlooks a northern sector, need to avoid putting prayer room on the southeast and western sectors.
The house faces north sectors 2 and 3, avoid putting prayer room on the east and west sectors.
The house faces south and southwest, avoid putting prayer room in the middle sector of the house.
The house faces east sector one, avoid putting prayer room on the south and northwest sectors.
The house faces east sector 2 or 3, avoid putting prayer room on the southeast and northern sectors.
The house faces south sector 1, avoid the worship space on the east and west sectors.
The house faces south sector 2 or 3, avoid the worship space on the east and west sectors.
The house faces west sector 1, avoid rooms on the south and northwest sectors.
The house faces west sector 2 or 3, avoid the worship space in the southeastern and northern sectors.

Untuk umat Islam, posisi ruang ibadah tentu diatur sedemikian rupa, sehingga mendapatkan ruang yang nyaman dan penataan interior yang baik pada arah kiblat.

Metode Eight Mansions
Menurut metode Eight Mansions, untuk mendapatkan angka trigram bagi pria, jumlahkan dua digit terakhir tahun kelahiran, lalu gunakan angka 10 untuk mengurangi hasil penjumlahan tersebut.

Contoh: Lahir tahun 1985
8 + 5 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Kemudian, gunakan angka 10 untuk mengurangi angka 4 tersebut, maka hasil akhirnya adalah angka 6. Artinya, trigram adalah angka 6.

Untuk wanita juga menggunakan dua digit terakhir tahun kelahiran, namun hasilnya ditambah dengan angka 5.



Contoh: Lahir tahun 1987
8 + 7 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
Gunakan angka 5 (rumus) untuk menambahkan angka 6 tadi, sehingga hasilnya adalah 11. Kedua angka ini dijumlahkan lagi untuk mendapatkan satu digit hasil final, yaitu 1 + 1, sehingga hasil trigram adalah angka 2.

Masing-masing angka trigram memiliki sektor religius tersendiri:

  • Angka trigram 1, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor timur.
  • Angka trigram 2, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor barat.
  • Angka trigram 3, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor utara.
  • Angka trigram 4, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor selatan.
  • Angka trigram 5, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor barat (pria) atau barat laut (wanita).
  • Angka trigram 6, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor timur laut.
  • Angka trigram 7, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor barat daya.
  • Angka trigram 8, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor barat laut.
  • Angka trigram 9, ruang yang memberi efek religius berada di sektor tenggara.

Metode Flying Star
Setelah mendapatkan posisi sesuai metode eight mansions, selanjutnya kita perlu memerhatikan metode flying star yang dibuat berdasarkan arah hadap bangunan. Pada metode ini, perletakan ruang ibadah sebaiknya mendapatkan komposisi qi (chi) yang bagus, seperti komposisi 8,8; 1,6 atau 6,1. Dan sebaliknya, kita perlu menghindari ruang dengan komposisi qi yang jelek seperti 2,5 atau 5,2.

Untuk posisi 2,5 atau 5,2 ini, yang perlu diperhatikan arah hadap rumah:

  • Rumah menghadap utara sektor 1, perlu menghindari meletakkan ruang ibadah pada sektor tenggara dan barat.
  • Rumah menghadap utara sektor 2 dan 3, hindari meletakkan ruang ibadah pada sektor timur dan barat laut.
  • Rumah menghadap timur laut dan barat daya, hindari meletakkan ruang ibadah pada sektor tengah tengah rumah.
  • Rumah menghadap timur sektor 1, hindari meletakkan ruang ibadah pada sektor selatan dan barat laut.
  • Rumah menghadap timur sektor 2 atau 3, hindari meletakkan ruang ibadah pada sektor tenggara dan utara.
  • Rumah menghadap selatan sektor 1, hindari ruang ibadah pada sektor tenggara dan barat.
  • Rumah menghadap selatan sektor 2 atau 3, hindari ruang ibadah pada sektor timur dan barat laut.
  • Rumah menghadap barat sektor 1, hindari ruang pada sektor selatan dan barat laut.
  • Rumah menghadap barat sektor 2 atau 3, hindari ruang ibadah pada sektor tenggara dan utara.