Tag Archives: fact

“Property in Papua Prospects Good, but ..”

Property developments in Papua is lacking in the spotlight. But in fact the growth of business property in the eastern provinces in the country is quite significant.

This was revealed by the Chairman of the DPP Real Estate Indonesia, Setyo Maharso, when contacted Rumah.com, Thursday (26/7) then. In fact, Papua Setyo to categorize as one of the ten most prospective provinces, in addition to Greater Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Riau, South Sumatra, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and North Sulawesi.

“Growth in demand for properties in Papua triggered by the many immigrants who work there and need a home,” said Setyo. “Most of these immigrants worked in mining and plantation sectors.”

He added that the area is most prospective Papua Jayapura, Timika, Manokwari, Sorong and Biak. “But it is now, still more immigrants become citizens than local property buyers,” said Setyo.

Setyo mengungapkan, business prospects in Papua nice property, but did not grow as fast as in Java. “The problem is that the population of a little,” he said, “besides, the raw materials must also come from other parts, so that home prices to be expensive.

Related prices, Minister of Housing Number 7 and 8 of 2012 set the price of house type 36 in the region 3 (Papua and West Papua) rose from Rp70 million to Rp145 million per unit, provided a minimum of DP increased from 10% to 12.5% . But according to Setyo, the price is not in accordance with the conditions on the ground. “According to my friends in Papua REI members, the price of entry for developers around Rp150 million to Rp160 million,” he said.

Easy Ways to Decorate Your Bathroom

Nobody wants to spend time in the bathroom if messy. In fact, the bathroom is one place where many people find comfort. In fact, not many people who take the time to decorate your bathroom, so good.

Here are some easy and simple way to decorate your bathroom, as quoted from TimesofIndia.

Clean your bathroom
Remove all any beauty products and toiletries that you consider important and places to eat in the bathroom.

Give your life in your bathroom
Paint your bathroom, tiles replace if necessary. Try using two contrasting colors to make the bathroom look chic. Hanging a painting on the wall to add color to the bathroom.

Use the new stuff
Change the knobs in the shower or faucet to the basin models. Replace the towel rack. If you can afford, modified by adding shower bathroom (shower).

Be creative
Use a pretty container, bowl or vase to keep your bathroom fixtures.

Ready to decorate your bathroom now?