Doing Counters The Right Way

Comparison of Granite, Marble and Quartz Countertops

Having plans on remodeling your kitchen at home, in school or in an office?

The kitchen is considered one of the most important parts of your house.

It consists of many apparatus essential for cooking and many households have a microwave oven, the presence of flammable appliances, a dishwasher, and other electric appliances.

It is important to make a decision on having the right choice for your kitchen countertops at home or in the office for the ease of storage of your equipment and the comfort of you and your family.

Here we get a chance to know more about the different kinds of surfaces used on kitchen countertops to have a wise decision before making a purchase for your home beatification.

There are many types of surfaces that are used to build beautiful kitchen countertops. There are still different varieties that you can get and compare their details regarding the strength and weaknesses of each material.

While one material may be similar in cost to another, choosing the right surface and to learn more can be the key between maximizing the utilization of the room.

Below will be a good read so that you can make about the best decision for your kitchen surface with unbiased reviews.

The second most abundant mineral on earth is Quartz. This can be the best option when you are looking for durability. They come in a wide variety of colors, including fire-engine red and apple green, as well as earthy browns, blacks, and creams, with sparkles. Quartz countertops are just as strong as granite but have the added benefit of being more flexible. This makes them easier to work with during the installation process but should be done by a professional. Good thing that quartz is already strain-resistant. These countertops need to be professionally installed and quartz is even heavier than granite.

Granite in comparison, it is a felsic, generally equigranular, relatively light colored intrusive rock. This product will also need a periodic sealing for stain protection to be considered as train resistant. The material is known to be durable but should not be considered indestructible. If subjected to heavy abuse, it can break. When it comes to granite slabs, you’ll need to be willing to pay the price for a thicker piece. Granite continues to be the best-selling natural counter that you can find on the market, even though quartz continues to gain ground.

Marble in the other hand, is a metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals containing crystallized limestone. Marble is classy and durable. Though, it is not the most durable material in the market, it is also a bit pricey. Marble is especially sensitive to acidic liquids and potent chemical cleaners. Marble tends to darken slightly over time.

All three countertop options are more expensive than most laminate, wood, tile or concrete alternatives.