Bee Keeping in Depth.
Nothing would be more satisfying than making and enjoying your own honey . Bee keeping is a hobby for some and a serious business for others. Honey production is done by the worker bee in the colony. When a colony is started the workers begin by building combs where the young will be reared and also the storage of honey. Pollination takes place when the bees go from flower to flower collecting nectar and pass pollen grains in the process. Nectar from flowers is similar to sucrose and it contains other beneficial substances as well. The sucrose collected by the bees is turned into glucose and fructose by some enzyme action that and that makes the honey.
The enzyme glucose oxidase takes a small portion of the glucose and converts it into gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The gluconic acid makes the honey resistant to fungi , mold and any other type of bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide also has a role to play in the honey making process, it gives it some short term protection against microorganisms as the honey gets ripe. The taste and the color of the honey you will harvest is dependent from which flowers the nectar will be collected from. Certain colors of honey might look more attractive more than others but the color does not affect the quality of the honey in any way.
When it comes to bee keeping as a business , when done the right way, you stand to make very good returns. It’s important to know that bee keeping is not only for honey, you stand to make money from different products of the bee keeping. You can sell pollination services to farmers stress free but with good marketing, all you have to do is present your hives and let the bees do the rest. The honey combs and wax still have a lot of applications in different products and this means there is a gap for you to fill with your product.
Full time bee keeping is lucrative as any business but you will have to work your way up to profits gradually but in the end it will be worth it. Bee keeping is a business that is less capital intensive, you will not have to purchase large tracts of land, all you need to do is erect your hives in strategic location. Bee keeping as a hobby and as a business requires less physical effort compared to other ventures. Depending on how you take your bee keeping , there are different types of bee keepers. In bee keeping you are either a commercial bee keeper ,a sideliner or just taking it as a hobby which ever it is love and enjoy every moment.